Overcome The Imposter Syndrome in Photography

Strategies for developing creative skills

photography of Tyra by Matthew Jordan Smith

Introduction: What is Imposter Syndrome and How Does it Affect Photographers?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where an individual doubts their accomplishments and feels like they are not good enough. It can have a huge impact on those who are trying to figure out how to overcome the imposter syndrome in photography, leading to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.

Photographers who suffer from imposter syndrome often experience difficulty in expressing their creative power and building creative confidence. They may feel like they are not capable of producing great work, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

The good news is that there are ways to tackle the imposter syndrome, such as therapy, positive affirmations and building a supportive network. With the right help, photographers can learn how to build their creative confidence and harness their creative power.

photography of Tyra by Matthew Jordan Smith

Tyra Banks by photographer, Matthew Jordan Smith

Understanding Your Worth & Embrace Creative Risk Taking

As a photographer, it is important to understand the value of your work and own your worth. You should not undervalue yourself or settle for less than what you deserve. It is also important to take risks in photography and be creative with your work. Taking risks can help you come up with unique ideas and create photographs that stand out from the rest.

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So how to overcome the imposter syndrome in photography? By understanding the value of your work as a photographer, owning your worth, and taking creative risks, you can ensure that your photography stands out from the crowd. This will help you build a successful career as a photographer while still being able to enjoy the creative process.

The good news is that there are ways to overcome the imposter syndrome and become a more confident photographer. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to build confidence as a photographer and discover ways to overcome the fear of failure. We will also explore strategies for developing creative skills and techniques that can help you become a more confident photographer with greater self-assurance.

How to Create an Accountability System for Productivity and Inspiration

As a photographer, it’s important to stay inspired and motivated in order to achieve success. Creating an accountability system is a great way to overcome the imposter syndrome in photography. It provides structure and helps you set achievable goals for yourself. This system can also help you track your progress and hold yourself accountable for reaching those goals.

An accountability system for photographers should include setting realistic goals, tracking progress, rewarding successes, and finding ways to stay inspired. By implementing these strategies into your daily routine, you will be able to stay on top of your work and remain motivated throughout the process.

Having a positive mentor or teacher provides valuable guidance and training that will help you develop your skills as a photographer and give you the confidence to take on new projects. Being part of a team or taking classes with other aspiring photographers also offers many benefits, such as learning from each other’s mistakes and successes, providing positive feedback, and motivating each other to stay on track.

Fortunately, there are online training sessions available that can help photographers gain the confidence they need to succeed. These trainings provide valuable insight into how to overcome the imposter syndrome and become a successful photographer. From understanding what it means to have imposter syndrome, to learning techniques for managing it and improving self-confidence, these online training sessions can help photographers develop their skills and feel more secure in their abilities.

Combat Negative Self-Talk With Positive Affirmations & Reframing

Self-talk can be a powerful tool for growth, but it can also be a source of negative thinking that leads to self-doubt and low self-esteem. Combatting negative self-talk with positive affirmations and reframing is an effective way to help you build more confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself, often out loud, in order to combat negative thoughts. Reframing is the process of looking at a situation from a different perspective. Both techniques can be used together to help you create healthier thought patterns and develop more positive beliefs about yourself.

We offer an online photography lighting course that includes weekly live training sessions with renowned photographer, Matthew Jordan Smith who will provide guidance on how to overcome the imposter syndrome in photography, how to use affirmations and reframing in order to combat negative self-talk. Additionally, we have created a positive community where members can share their experiences, ask questions, and receive support from other members who understand what they’re going through

Photography Lighting Course student testimonial for blog post, How to Overcome The Imposter Syndrome in Photography

How to Overcome The Imposter Syndrome in Photography

Overcoming the imposter syndrome can be a difficult journey, but it doesn’t have to be done alone. Having a positive team around you is essential in order to achieve success. Whether it’s your colleagues, friends, or even a mentor, having people who believe in you and support you can make all the difference. Working together as a team allows us to accomplish things that we could never do on our own.

Teamwork is about more than just collaboration – it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels accepted and valued for their unique talents and contributions. A positive community of people who are willing to help each other out and celebrate each other’s successes can make all the difference when it comes to overcoming imposter syndrome.


Imposter Syndrome is a real and common issue that affects many of us in our professional and personal lives. It can be difficult to overcome, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to manage your Imposter Syndrome and become the best photographer you can be.

You’ll get the chance to connect with a supportive community of like-minded photographers who understand what it’s like to feel like an imposter. Our host, Matthew Jordan Smith, will share his experiences and offer practical tips for overcoming Imposter Syndrome in photography.

We hope you’ll join us for this valuable webinar on how to take control of your life and stop feeling like an imposter!